Mixed feelings over elections

Most people who spoke with this publication said they were not keen on taking part during the elections, citing that they were fed up with empty promises of politicians.

MBOMBELA – The local government elections are around the corner and political parties are expected to be busy with campaigns urging people to vote for them.
Over the weekend this publication visited different voting stations and interacted with people. Most people who spoke with this publication said they were not keen on taking part during the elections, citing that they were fed up with empty promises of politicians.
“We are appealing to the political parties to stop playing with people’s emotions. When they are campaigning, they promise us heaven and earth but once the elections are over, they don’t even bother to come back to us.
We are still struggling to get clean running water, decent shelter and better roads. We feel that what they are doing is an insult to us,” said Ms Joy Ntiwane.
Another resident said, “To be honest, I am going to vote for the sake of honouring the late icon, Tata Nelson Mandela.”
To read more about registration stories, get yourself a copy of Mpumalanga News on Thursday.

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