Mec appoints new station commander

Mpumalanga News learnt that recently the MEC for community safety, security and liaison, Mr Vusi Shongwe has appointed Lt Col John Mandonsela as the new station commander.

SCHOEMANSDAL – The appointment of the new station commander at the local police station is an indication that proves that the ANC-led government is responding positively to the needs of citizens.
Mpumalanga News learnt that recently the MEC for community safety, security and liaison, Mr Vusi Shongwe has appointed Lt Col John Mandonsela as the new station commander.
This move comes after residents of this area who were up in arms handed over a memorandum of grievances where they were voicing out that the station is not doing justice to the community as it’s not functioning well.

They went further and called upon Shongwe to appoint a new station commander as it is alleged that some of the police officers are working with criminals and they are failing to respond in time when summoned to crime scenes.
During the Imbizo that was held on Saturday, Shongwe called upon the police to build a working relationship with local business people and the community so that they can share ideas on how to reducing crime.
To read more just get yourself a copy of Mpumalanga News on Thursday.

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