
DA says government must put people first

Masango raised a serious concern about the residents of this area who are allegedly receiving dirty water from taps and the high rate of unemployment.

CAROLINE – The ANC-led government still has a long way to go in terms of restoring dignity of the people in rural areas in terms of improving service delivery such as the provision of water.
The DA leader in the province, Mr James Masango yesterday celebrated the human rights day with residents of Chief
Albert Luthuli Local Municipality.

Masango raised a serious concern about the residents of this area who are allegedly receiving dirty water from taps and the high rate of unemployment.
Delivering his keynote address he said: “It is only you who can put an end to corrupt and ineffective leadership by taking back their power and vote in a government that truly puts you first.”
According to the party, government must help to stimulate economic growth as this can produce job opportunities for the 39.4 % unemployed people in this province to better their living conditions.

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