Foundation aims to aid kids with cancer

A year ago she underwent an serious head operation and even though the doctors had prepared them for the worst, saying she had a few months left to live, she defied the odds. Doctors confirmed that the cancer was in remission.

MBOMBELA – Raising a child suffering from cancer can be challenging and parents of a little girl, who is determined to beat the disease, know this trauma too well.

Mr Melusi and Ms Tebogo Moya have as a result started a foundation that will help support parents in the same situation.

When their little girl was diagnosed with cancer they felt like their world fell apart but their staunch belief in God kept them strong and they say they saw God’s healing hand in their daughter’s life.

The couple has drawn some of their strength from their daughter, MelusoMuhle. The four-year-old girl has been fighting cancer and at her age, she is determined to beat it.

A year ago she underwent an serious head operation and even though the doctors had prepared them for the worst, saying she had a few months left to live, she defied the odds. Doctors confirmed that the cancer was in remission.

“Her will to fight has been amazing and she taught us to not accept any report but only the report of the Lord which says that divine health is our portion!” said Tebogo.

She added that after the operation last year, it was confirmed that MelusoMuhle would breathe through tubes, but the little girl told Jesus that she didn’t want the tubes anymore.

“We had to trust God together with her and we decided to remove the tubes and she was able to breath on her own,” Tebogo added.

Recently doctors confirmed that tests showed that the cancer has returned and spread throughout the little girl’s body, but the parents say they are looking to God for healing.

Cancer treatment is usually expensive and according to Tebogo, the Meluso Muhle Foundation’s main objective is to source medical funding in any way possible.

“By facilitating fund-raising events, sending out special public requests and presenting sponsorship kits to organisations and religious bodies within our community, we hope to meet the financial requirements of their medical procedures,” said Tebogo.

“We also provide emotional and spiritual support in handling a sick child. This is mainly in the form of private mentoring and guided prayer.We encourage a spirit of resilience in fighting any disease, and strongly believe that no sickness is uncontrollable or incurable.”

The foundation will be launched on February 20 at the Lowveld Botanical Garden.

The launch will serve as a fund-raiser, a platform for corporate family prayer and a means to create public awareness about the foundation.

The entertainment line-up include Afrotraction, Sicelo Moya, Simphiwe Moya, Mabongi Mabaso and Neri Chawane. Entrance will be R100 for adults and R50 for children.

“Our first fund-raiser is directed towards Melusomuhle Moya, who will be travelling to the Princess Grace Hospital in London at the end of February for a special procedure.

“We are excited about the opportunity to save her life, and filled with positive energy at the prospect of her receiving this life preserving treatment.”

For more information about the foundation, log on to
People desiring to contribute can contact Tebogo on 082-563-2301.

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