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Here’s how you handle office parties

It’s that time of year where a lot of companies look back and celebrate the year together. A lot of stories tend to happen during year end functions and they become the subject for the rest of the year.

Here’s a list of what to do and what not to do during these exciting gatherings.

Maintain your professional reputation

Although it’s an office party, you still want to keep it a little bit professional. No one wants to start the new year with scandals, not even you.
Don’t treat an office party as a singles bar

If you can’t find a man or woman within the office premises, what makes you think you can find one now? Not that we are encouraging office romance, but you have the whole year to look for a partner. Alternatively, you can just go to Date My Family.

Don’t talk too much about your kids or family problems

You don’t want to be the gossip subject in the new year, matters of the family should not be discussed, no matter how drunk you get.

Be flexible socialize more, get to know everyone and engage in light hearted, positive chats.

These are the people you have been sending emails to for the entire year, the least you can do is talk to them and get to know their names.

Make an effort: dress up after all it is a party.

Well, some if not most of us don’t really dress up for the office. Reasons range from hating your job to just being a sloppy person. This is the opportunity to show off and be a Cinderella of the moment.

Smile and laugh more

It’s a party after all, loosen up a bit.

Don’t ask for a raise

This one is just a definite no… keep dancing and socializing.

Don’t drink too much and regret

Unless you want to be the subject of the office for the rest of the year.

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