Going through a breakup? Read this

The truth is, whether the relationship lasted for a week, a couple of months, or some years, break ups are just horrible, and no one wants to go through them.

It gets really frustrating to feel your heart break, and ache, knowing you can’t do anything about it, even though all you want to do is throw it up.

Although break ups are terrible, sometimes they are unavoidable, but, one thing remains, one will eventually get over it. It may seem like a far-fetched dream at the time, but like the saying goes, nothing lasts forever.

Here are things to consider, if you are currently going through a break up, or know someone who is.

1. Deal with it.

No, you are not dreaming, it’s really happening; you are going through a break up. You need to acknowledge that fact, and deal with it.

It doesn’t matter how long you have been with this person, what matters is the fact that you are about to part ways, you need to start repackaging your life, and habits, without them in the picture. Look at it from this perspective; hello singlehood.

2. Talk about it.
Bottling things up has never been good for anyone, you need to have that one person you confide in. Talk about all the emotions you are going through, selfishness will only be deadly in this case.
3. Eat.
You want ice cream? Go get it. People deal with break ups differently, and if you are the type that eats, then don’t hold back. Just remember to hit the gym as equivalent.

You don’t want to come out of that break up phase with a few extra killos, see number 9.
4. Allow yourself to feel the pain.
It’s okay to hurt, don’t bury the feeling, go through it. Cry out loud if you have to, it doesn’t matter who is on the wrong, what matters now is the fact that your heart is breaking, and maybe you feel like your world is tumbling down as well, whatever the case, feel the pain so you can get over it.
5. Avoid rebounds.
The “To get over a man, you need to get under another” theory is not entirely true. One way or the other, you would have to deal with the pain, and dragging an innocent person into your mess will only drone you even deeper. Would you want to be someone’s rebound? There, you have your answer.
6. Don’t be bitter.
Hauling insults at your recent ex-partner will not do you any good, it will only help out in making you look like a desperate fool. Avoid it by all means. Should it happen that they move on faster than you, it’s okay, don’t insult them either, be the bigger person.
7. Try not to call.
Unless you are drunk at 3 am, and totally overwhelmed by the desire to call, don’t do it. Think about tomorrow morning instead.
8. Say no to bootycalls.
You are worth more than being someone else’s bootycall. Even if the person only walks on the moon.
9. Take care of yourself.
Redirect the energy to take very good care of yourself. Breakups can bruise one’s ego and confidence, regain your self-worth by taking care of yourself. Do it for on one else but you.
10. Stop and smell the roses.
Whatever you do, do it for you. Don’t forget to live!

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