Over 860 drivers fined for driving without licenses

During the operations, about 455 drivers received written charges for driving without driving licenses while another 864 drivers were fined for failure to carry licenses while driving

MBOMBELA- Transportation of goods and people is critical to the economy of any developing country including South Africa. It is therefore the responsibility of all people to ensure goods and people are transported safely.

This is according to Mpumalanga Community Safety Security and Liaison MEC Vusi Shongwe who was responding to the successes recorded by traffic officials from 1 to 30 September 2015 in various traffic operations conducted in the province.

During the operations, about 455 drivers received written charges for driving without driving licenses while another 864 drivers were fined for failure to carry licenses while driving. Others were fined for overtaking dangerously, traffic signal violations, stopping on a free way, and using cell phones while driving.

Meanwhile, 130 motorists were arrested for different violations. 88 of these motorists were those who had unpaid outstanding fines and were made to pay on the spot through Nyamsoro. Seven were arrested for drunken driving, 13 for excessive speeding, 12 for overloading and the others 10 for other violations.

The officers further discontinued 1064 vehicles for not being roadworthy while another 979 vehicles were impounded.

The MEC says while the department continues with law enforcement to curb non compliance with traffic regulations and recklessness, road users must come to the party by promoting safe road usage so that the safe transportation of goods and people is achieved. He has also urged players in the transport sector such as bus and mini-bus taxi owners, truck owners and other motor vehicle owners and drivers to ensure they prioritize road safety.

“We cannot continue to have such high number of crashes that injure and kill people who are often economically active and providers of their families. We should have an attitude that says one death too many and that enough is enough. We should have zero-tolerance towards negligent and reckless driver behavior,” MEC Shongwe says.

He has further urged law enforcement officers to show no mercy to motorist and drivers who needlessly disregard traffic rules thereby endangering other people’s lives. “All people who witness bad driver behavior should report to authorities.
“Even minibus and bus passengers have a responsibility for their own safety on the road. They should not keep quiet when they witness mischief on the part of drivers. They should speak out so that they are transported safely,” added the MEC.

The MEC applauded the officers saying they should continue to work even harder to bring more trouble makers to book so that roads become safer. The department will continue to implement various road safety and law enforcement initiatives throughout the year

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