Uncovers scheme to defraud the tax system of R266 million

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) foiled an attempt by a group of individuals to defraud the fiscus of R266 230 423

PRETORIA-The individuals, representing a registered company in South Africa, claimed the amount as a fraudulent Value Added Tax (VAT) claim earlier this year.

According to the company, they paid an amount of R266 230 423.00 to their employees and were seeking to claim this figure as a VAT refund. Suspecting fraudulent activities, SARS requested supporting documents.

The documents confirmed that the refund was indeed fraudulent. With the assistance of the South African Police Service (SAPS), the group was arrested at the SARS head office in Pretoria yesterday on charges of fraud.

Early indications suggest that the group’s alleged criminal activities are not solely limited to fraudulent VAT refunds, but also include building and company hijackings.

SARS is acutely aware of individuals and groupings who aim to defraud the country’s tax system. Members of the public are reminded that SARS remains vigilant in detecting fraud and views such acts extremely seriously.

SARS appreciates the collaborative efforts and support it receives from the various law enforcement agencies in our efforts to protect the country and its citizens by disrupting organised crime and reducing illicit trade activities. SARS intends increasing such enforcement actions the regional level.

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