Learners risk their lives

The majority is forced to put their lives at risk and cross a large stream to get to school. When there's heavy rain, some of the learners are forced to stay home because the stream overflows. They are scared of crossing the river as some of them can't swim.

PHAKANI – Residents of this area, especially parents of learners from Phakani Primary School, say during this time of the year they don’t have peace of mind when their children go to school.

The majority is forced to put their lives at risk and cross a large stream to get to school. When there’s heavy rain, some of the learners are forced to stay home because the stream overflows. They are scared of crossing the river as some of them can’t swim.

When this publication visited the area, it noted that the learners were forced to take off their shoes so that they didn’t slip and get wet when they crossed the river. “Our children have been struggling for years when they want to go to school, especially during the rainy season. The kids can’t survive if they try to swim so they end up staying home because they are scared of drowning,” said a concerned parent, Ms Bongekile Matikwane.

Another community member, Mr Thokozani Khoza said, “We were promised a bridge by the municipality a long time ago, but we don’t see any sign of any contractors. During the rainy season, the situation gets worse. Maybe they will act once a life has been lost.”
Khoza said each morning he accompanied his children to ensure that they were safe.

This publication contacted the municipality to find out what the delay was, but the spokesperson for MLM, Mr Joseph Ngala could not be reached at the time of going to print.

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