DA says education mec must stand her grounds

Mpumalanga News learnt that ANA results are critical for testing the literacy and numeracy levels of the learners in the country .

MBOMBELA – The Democratic Alliance in the province has indicated that the MEC for education Ms Regina Mhaule must stand on her grounds and not allow the South African Democratic Teachers Union(SADTU) to play political games with the future of learners by taking decisions that should only be taken by the department.

It is reported that last week the department of basic education caved into the threats of teacher union SADTU and postponed the writing of the Annual National Assessment (ANA) until February next year.

Mpumalanga News learnt that ANA results are critical for testing the literacy and numeracy levels of the learners in the country .

Speaking to this publication the provincial secretary of SADTU Mr Walter Hlayise said


“Let me indicate that all teachers are united in opposing ANA. It is not that we don’t want it, but what we are saying it that they must introduce it in a model that would be sustainable .

We are going to meet as teachers so that we can find ways to approach this matter because the minister of basic education Ms Angie Motshekga said the learners will write ANA in December”.

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