Cracks at school worsen

The cracks in some of the classes which this journalist witnessed at the school at the end of June, were worsened by strong wind.

MIDDELPLAAS – Learners and teachers are under constant threat of being buried alive by a classroom on the verge of collapse at one of the oldest institutions in the province, Mpumelelo Primary School, on the outskirts of Nkomazi’s subregion.

“We were promised 10 mobile classrooms by the department but nothing has been done yet,” said a teacher who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. The cracks in some of the classes which this journalist witnessed at the school at the end of June, were worsened by strong wind.

“It has increased the degree of the cracks, from the front right through to the length of all the classrooms. They are now terrifying and we fear for our lives,” continued the source. Teachers at the school now fear for the safety of the 797 pupils.

Mpumalanga News has also learnt that 381 learners from grade three to five were evacuated on July 20 due to the dire situation. The grade R class and the principal’s office are no exception as cracks run from the top to bottom.
According to an informed source, the cracks began as early as 1992.

Mr James Masuku, chairperson of the school governing body, said it hurt to teach and learn under the risky circumstances. “Anything can happen any day at this school. We fear for the safety of the learners and teachers.

“What is a greater worry is that pupils play there during break. We plead with anyone, be it other government departments or private entities, to join hands and make life better and safer for these learners who are the future of the country,” Masuku said.

Besides being one of the oldest school in this province, teachers in this school still endure working under these circumstances as they don’t have an admin block to sit in and mark transcripts.

Mr Jasper Zwane, spokesperson for education, says the department is aware of the recent developments at the school and has ordered 16 mobile classrooms and a centre (administration block) as an interim measure to alleviate the challenge.

“Given the nature of the buildings of the school in question the department is treating this matter with the urgency it deserves. Deliveries are expected to take place from September. It has planned to include this school in its programme for 2016/17 of the eradication of unsafe structures,” he said.

Zwane further indicated that the doors of the department were open and any form of support in the improvement of teaching and learning process was welcomed.
For assistance Masuku can be contacted on 083-687-2605.

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