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A humble apology to the DA

The said story eloped myself and the subs desk not to notice that comment had actually not been included when the story was finally placed. It really slipped all of us in the news desk. But I must state that it was not the intention of the newspaper to cause any harm on the DA, seeing that we’ve never had conflict with them.

MBOMBELA- Mpumalanga News would like to extend their sincerest of apologies to the Democratic Alliance for a story published in Thursday’s edition, 27 August 2015 entitled “Community takes to the street over water” and there was a link on our website, whereby, the DA was never approached for a comment.

From an editorial point of view, I as the Editor of the newspaper did request for a DA’s comment and set the story aside for the journalist to obtain that comment, but later the story was placed in the news basket for usage.

The said story eloped myself and the subs desk not to notice that comment had actually not been included when the story was finally placed. It really slipped all of us in the news desk. But I must state that it was not the intention of the newspaper to cause any harm on the DA, seeing that we’ve never had conflict with the DA.

They remain good partners of our company, on an equal basis with any other organisation within our province.

Once again, our biggest apologies and we will also retract the story and perception and damage caused by featuring the apology in our next edition, 3 September 2015.08.28.

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