ANC supporter claims racists assaulted him

Capt Dawie Pretorius spokesperson for the police confirmed that Gardee had opened a case of crimen injuria at the Nelspruit Police Station

MBOMBELA – A staunch ANC supporter alleged that he was recently assaulted by racists.

Mr Ossie Gardee, known for dressing up in the ruling party’s colourful regalia, especially during its events, related how he had become a victim of assault and insults for supporting the ANC. “In a recent incident I was assaulted with beer bottles and called names for wearing ANC colours.

“The people who did this were driving a Mercedes-Benz and called me racist names, which I cannot repeat,” said Gardee.

This happened on August 7 near Petroleum Street while Gardee was walking to his workplace. He told this newspaper that he had opened a criminal case with the police and that investigations were continuing.

He said he loved the ANC with a passion and would never trade it for the world. “The love I have for dear Madiba and the ANC is a lifetime commitment. I was born and bred in Mpumalanga and while it is my fervent prayer that the Almighty makes my final resting place in the holy city of Mecca, I am realistic enough to know that my final resting place will be under the beautiful African sky. And for the record, I will never divorce the ANC, no insults or assaults will break my spirit,” he said.

Gardee further said his attackers should know that he wears the ANC colours with pride. “Madiba and the ANC saved me from a life of oppression and made me and my people, the children of this beautiful nation free. Free to wear our colours with pride, free to pray to our maker without fear and free to live our lives as proud Africans. The ANC gave you the same freedom, yet you fail to grasp the hand of peace. You mocked me because of the way I looked and dressed. You and your kind have learnt nothing and you continue to live in a kraal wearing your father’s blindfold,” said Gardee.

“If you disagree with my politics, know this, it was the ANC and the people’s struggle that gave you the right to voice your opinion.”

Capt Dawie Pretorius spokesperson for the police confirmed that Gardee had opened a case of crimen injuria at the Nelspruit Police Station.
“What makes investigations difficult is that the complainant cannot identify his assailants. Provided we get more information, investigations will continue,” he said.

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