Girlfriend wracks partner’s house

A man was left in shock after his property was allegedly drastically damaged by his girlfriend, who allegedly ran away after finding out that the police are after her.

ENTOKOZWENI – Residents were left in shock after a girlfriend maliciously damage the property of her boyfriend including his car, following a heated argument.

The boyfriend was also left in shock upon seeing his hard earned property drastically damaged by the only person he trusts. “It seems like it will cost a fortune to recover all the damaged materials, she also damaged his car,”said a close source to the couple who wanted to remain anonymous.

According to the spokesperson of Kanyamazane Police station, WO Andries Skwambane, the lovers were not staying together as she apparently run away after the fight. “Police are currently searching her where about as his boyfriend opened a criminal against her,”he adds.

Skwambane urged partners to solve their differences amicably as destroying of one’s property won’t solve their problems. “Fighting and vandalizing of properties is not the right way to solve a problems hence it make the problem to become more extreme since you might get arrested, and it might cost thousands to fix the damaged property”, said Skwambane.

He urged citizens to say no to all forms abuse and celebrate this Women’s month with dignity. It is usually said that women are the only species suffering abuse from men however in today’s world men are also suffering abuse from women and this is one example of such cases.

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