ANCWL shows it cares

Tekwani Primary School was the centre of attention the past weekend as members of the African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) showcased its strength through cleaning, cooking, gardening and plumbing in an attempt to show its cherished ideal of its democratic, free society and honour the legacy of Madiba.

TEKWANE SOUTH-Speaking to the attendees, Ms Zigane Mokoena, stated that they had chosen the school to celebrate the month of Madiba
which requires them to give back to the community.

“We donated our 67 minutes to this school as we feel it is important
for us to look back and make sure the future of our country is in good hands as our hero said, ‘It is in your hands’,” she said, adding that the league understands the importance of education at lower levels.

“We urge young people to join the ANC Youth League, all women
in the province to come forward and join this movement, for the
improvement of our country,” said Mokoena.

The chairperson of the school governing board, Mr Sifiso Khumalo
thanked the women’s league for choosing Tekwani Primary.

“As the community of Tekwane, we need our school to be clean and produce future leaders. We, therefore, applaud the ANCWL for this wonderful cleaning campaign.

“Yes, we have a few challenges on our security measures, as three
weeks ago we lost our computers which were stolen by unknown criminals who entered the computer lab through the ceiling. The matter has been reported to the police although no arrests have been made so far,” said Khumalo.

The day was also marked with the donation of food parcels to different needy families in this area as part of their Mandela Day celebrations.

One of the five beneficiaries, Mr Dumisani Shongwe (21), who lives with his two younger sisters and brother, explained how he had to drop out of his N courses at the University of KwaZulu-Natal last
year due to financial constraints and after the death of his elder brother.

Members of the ANCWL promised to get relevant departments involved so that he could continue furthering his studies probably from the local
TVET colleges.

“I thank this opportunity given to us as a family, and the chance
for me to go back to school means a lot and then I will be in a better position to help my siblings. We have been struggling since the death of our brother and sometimes going to bed on a hungry stomach. We thank all of you for these
parcels,” he added

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