Elderly man alone, cold and hungry

Fakude has been living alone in a dilapidated shack for a long time. "I am scared this shack might fall on me at any time. "When it's raining, water streams in. I cannot even sleep since cold winds get inside as if I am sleeping outside," said Fakude.

GOBHOZA – Old people must be cared for and it is heartbreaking to see an old person suffer with no house, no helper and no food on the table.

This is the case with 68-year-old, Mkhulu Ndlela Aaron Fakude, who is in need of a house since the condition of the shack he lives in is abominable. Fakude has been living alone in a dilapidated shack for a long time. “I am scared this shack might fall on me at any time.

“When it’s raining, water streams in. I cannot even sleep since cold winds get inside as if I am sleeping outside,” said Fakude. Mpumalanga News observed during its visit to Fakude’s house that there is no water and electricity.

He uses a paraffin stove for cooking. He told this journalist that sometimes he goes to bed on an empty stomach when he runs out of money to buy paraffin. He is a pensioner dependent on a grant from government.

The money he receives monthly cannot cover his expenses as he also has the burden of buying his medication. Fakude is obliged to walk a long distance to get water.

The pensioner stated, “I tried using the pension money for building a house, but I have failed due to other needs which includes medication and food.”He further stated that he had registered for a RDP house. He has been waiting, in vain, since then. He relieves himself in a makeshift, long-drop outside.
For anyone interested in helping please contact Fakude on 079-305-1375 or Sthembiso Maphanga on 074-754-2127.

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