Five myths and misconceptions about Africa

African countries are not all poor. It's the distribution of wealth that's the biggest problem. South Africa is one of the incredibly wealthy countries in the continent.

1. Africa is a country

People often refer to “Africa” as if it is a country rather than a continent. Actually Africa it is a continent and home to 54 independent, unique countries.

2. Africa is dangerous and violent.

With wars, revolutions, pirates and child soldiers making the news, it’s really no wonder that the myth about Africa being a dangerous place is a common one but in actual fact there are many perfectly peaceful and safe places to visit.

3. Africa is poor

Poverty is obviously something that will strike you as a visitor to many African countries. But African countries are not all poor. It’s the distribution of wealth that’s the biggest problem. South Africa is one of the incredibly wealthy countries in the continent.

4. African Politicians are all corrupt

Corrupt politicians aren’t exactly unique to Africa, but the continent does seem to have more than its fair share. At least Nelson Mandela showed the world that Africa is capable of producing an honest leader.

5. Africa has no History

It’s a common misconception that Africa has no history beyond its people scrabbling about trying to survive in a harsh environment.
But consider the ancient Egyptian monuments, the rock-hewn churches of Ethiopia, the Fes medina, and you obviously have proof of Africa’s rich history.


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