Parents receive certificates for sex education programme

The programme started in 2013 and has seen 848 parents or guardians graduating to date.

MASOYI – Teenagers face many challenges nowadays which can prevent them from succeeding in life.

One of these is engaging in sexual activities before they are mature enough to face the consequences.

For this reason, New Start came up with an initiative to help youngsters make right choices when faced with peer pressure that might lead them to fall into the premature sexual-indulgence trap.

“Because we know that most adults are uncomfortable to discuss sexual matters with their adolescent children, we came up with a family matters programme (FMP)to train parents and guardians on how to approach these,” said Tshegofatso Dolo, FMP regional programme manager.

Dolo said the programme started in 2013 and has seen 848 parents or guardians graduating to date.

Recently, 60 of these, who completed the FMP, graduated at Swalala where they were awarded certificates of completion.

“I always thought it was taboo for a parent to be talking about adult stuff with young children, but this programme has opened my eyes and now I know the dangers of not being open about such matters.

If we do not talk to our children, they will be misinformed by people who do not even care about their future,” said one of the graduates, Zodwa Nyathi.

Dolo urged parents to help fight the crisis of teenage pregnancies in the province, especially in rural areas, by providing their children with proper guidance.

“Anyone who wishes to take part in the FMP, can visit us on the fourth floor of the Old Mutual building or alternatively contact us on 013-010-1115,” concluded Dolo.

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