Youth urged to welcome foreigners

As South Africans, we know where we come from and the youth of Mpumalanga must show a high level of discipline in welcoming foreigners.

BARBERTON – Members of the African National Congress Youth League (Ancyl) in the province have been urged to show the highest level of respect and discipline.

This was said by the provincial secretary, Mr Desmond Moela, who recently addressed over 500 youth from different subregions in the province during the Ancyl Freedom Charter’s Memorial Lecture at Umjindi Community Hall.

Moela strongly condemned xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals in South Africa.

“As the youth of the province, we are disturbed by the manner in which we are responding to issues of xenophobia. We must stand together in fighting these issues. As South Africans, we know where we come from and the youth of Mpumalanga must show a high level of discipline in welcoming foreigners. We must be united because they are our brothers and sisters,” he said.

Divulging the ANC’s Freedom Charter, Moela spoke about the long life of the ruling party. “So long as the people of South Africa live, the ANC lives. There is an umbilical cord between the people of the country and the ANC and your presence here today confirms that,” he said. Adding that they will criss-cross the province, moving from one community to the other in advocating the Freedom Charter.

“The constitution of the country is a supreme law that binds all of us. There shall be equal rights, land should be given to the landless and there must be free and equal education for all. The people of this country must share the country’s wealth.

“We are saying there must be youth empowerment and economic freedom will be realised in our lifetime,” he emphasised.
Moela added that there was a need for manufacturing industries in the province to fight against issues of poverty and unemployment. He also urged the youth to form cooperatives and make use of available government avenues from the National Youth Development Agency and others.

On issues of land, Moela said, “We need to tolerate one another as we deal with issues of land redress so that land that is not used, is used and shared by all. Our cabinet must be able to listen and assist the people on issues of land, traditional leaders must also be involved,” he added.

When talking about education, Moela said it was a critical issue and hence there had to be free, compulsory and universal education for all. He also advised the youth to take maths and science seriously at school.

Speaker after speaker called for the third-term leadership for the premier of the province. “We are saying Mr DD Mabuza must emerge for the third time. We are unapologetic on that. Comrades, you must make sure that comrade Desmond also emerges as a deputy chairperson of Ancyl in the country,” said the league’s provincial secretary, Mr Vusi Mkhatshwa.

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