
Police condemns mob justice

When police reached the scene no-one was there except for three bodies lying helplessly on the ground with visible body injuries.

TONGA – The provincial commissioner, Lt Gen (Adv) Mark Magadlela has strongly condemns the latest mob justice where three men were beaten to death in Tonga near Malelane on Tuesday night.

“Every human being has the right to life and should not therefore, be unjustly killed by another human, irrespective of what he or she might have done. This unnecessary loss of life can be prevented if our community can learn to involve authorities or relevant departments whenever they suspect a person of being involved in any unlawful act than taking the law into their own hands. On that note, communities are urged to refrain from engaging themselves into activities that are devoid of respect to human life”, said Magadlela.

This comes after three men accused of being involved in a split of criminal actitivities were assaulted and killed by mob justice on Tuesday night in Tonga.

According to police information they first they received complainant about a man who was forcefully taken by a group of people travelling in a bakkie from his house in Block B. Then a manhunt was launched for the group, searching for them all over Block B and surroundings with no success.
The police again received another call around midnight about three men being assaulted by a mob. When police reached the scene no-one was there except for three bodies lying helplessly on the ground with visible body injuries.

Paramedics were then called to the scene and they certified all three victims dead.

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