Elderly man at his wits’ end about pension payout

The agony of an older man seeking clarity with regards to his pension fund goes beyond his voice and is seen in his eyes. Mr Peter Ndlovu, 74, says he retired from the Department of Health in 2006 as a male nurse, and has to date not received his pension fund.

SCHOEMANSDAL – The agony of an older man seeking clarity with regards to his pension fund goes beyond his voice and is seen in his eyes. Mr Peter Ndlovu, 74, says he retired from the Department of Health in 2006 as a male nurse, and has to date not received his pension fund.

“I started working for the department in 1963; I have worked at three hospitals since then. My journey started in Barberton Hospital, I came to Rob Ferreira in Mbombela, and then I moved to Shongwe Hospital in Schoemansdal.

It has been an amazing journey, until I was given a runaround when I had to retire and enjoy the fruits of my labour,” said Ndlovu. According to Ndlovu, the department has been giving him excuses for the past nine years.

“They keep referring me from one place to the other, saying I should get certain papers, which I did, but still I have received no help. Year after year I would hope that I’d hear from the department telling me that my pension was being paid out, but there’s still nothing.

I am in desperate need of answers and help, I have done all I could, but nothing seems to yield anything tangible,” he added. The old man says he is now forced to make a living for him and his family out of his pension money.

“I have two young boys who go to school, I have worked for them to at least have a better life, but it’s not happening, and I can’t tell them why, because I don’t know either,” he said.

Workers union, Nehawu, says they are not aware of this matter, however, provincial secretary, Sizwe Motha, says this is definitely a matter they will look into.

“We will follow up on the story and help where we can, I do hope the issue was affiliated to a certain workers’ union, so we can easily get to the bottom of this,” he said. The Department of Health has however dismissed Ndlovu’s claims, saying his pension fund had been
paid out.

“The allegation made by Mr Peter Phuzaphi Ndlovu is incorrect; according to our records he had received his pension. After consultation with him and his family they claimed he did not get what was due to him after comparing himself to other colleagues, however we are investigating that matter,” said
Mr Dumisani Malamule, spokesperson for the department.

The department could not provide any further details on the matter in terms of dates and the amount paid, saying it was personal information not to be disclosed to the media.

Ndlovu maintains his word and says the department owes him the money he has worked for tirelessly for so many years.

“I just want the money I have worked for so hard, their claim doesn’t hold much water. I want no further explanations, just my money,” he said.

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