Drug addict set home on fire

This newspaper learned that this tragedy befell the family at a challenging time since the breadwinner has recently lost his job with many other security guards in the province, due to the new regulations in the security sector.

MSHOLOZI – A family of four has been left homeless after their home was set alight by a sibling who apparently has drug-related problems.

Neighbours and community members were awoken by the exploding sounds of fire and screams coming from the Mashego home, which was shared by a 30-year-old Tebogo Mashego and his three brothers aged 32, 27 and 25. Tebogo alleged that the fire was deliberately started by her unemployed 27-year-old brother, Thapelo, who is allegedly addicted to drugs.

“We don’t know what triggered him to burn the house. We noticed that there was something bothering him during the day and called an ambulance but it did not arrive. We later tied him up and locked him in his room,” she said.

This newspaper learned that this tragedy befell the family at a challenging time since the breadwinner has recently lost his job with many other security guards in the province, due to the new regulations in the security sector.

The Disaster Management team from Mbombela presented the family with a tent and a few blankets but they still need more help in the form of clothes, food, mattresses and blankets.

To offer assistance, contact Tebogo on 082-975-3941 or this newspaper on 013-754-1622.

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