Cop scoops best communicator

"And the award for best communication officer in the entire SAPS goes to... Lt Mzwandile Nyambi." The Tonga SAPS spokesperson has scooped the award for best communicator in the whole country on March 13, and says he owes it all to hard work.

TONGA – “And the award for best communication officer in the entire SAPS goes to… Lt Mzwandile Nyambi.” The Tonga SAPS spokesperson has scooped the award for best communicator in the whole country on March 13, and says he owes it all to hard work.

“It’s really exciting to see that as I am busy working, the amount of energy I put in is recognised and celebrated, and not only by the people around me. This award means I have to keep doing whatever I’m doing and perhaps double the effort,” said the ecstatic Nyambi.

He emphasised the importance of keeping good communication channels among the relevant parties to avoid conflict.

“I should also say that I appreciate the media for such a smooth relationship, they have made it even easier for me to communicate with the communities and I do hope we will continue working together,” he added.

Nyambi reeived the best communicator award provincially in October last year.

“It’s even nicer when you know that your locals support and rally behind you like that.” Provincial spokesperson, Col Leonard Hlathi has also congratulated Nyambi, and encouraged all SAPS communicators to take note.

“Nyambi was number one in the province, and now his mark is made on a national level. Being a communicator is not only talking to journalists via emails in the office, it requires one to go to the ground and communicate with the people, and be the first one on the scene.

Nyambi has been doing that and we congratulate him on his award. We call on other communicators to copy from that and do what needs to be done. He has marketed his station well and we are happy for him,” said Hlathi.

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