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Man tells of his supernatural visit to paradise

A local man, Mr George Khosa(30) says he was a guest in the Holy Land on three different occasions and came back to the world with a message from God to His beloved people.

MBOMBELA – If you thought people who set their foot in Paradise never return to the world, here’s something for you to meditate on.

A local man, Mr George Khosa(30) says he was a guest in the Holy Land on
three different occasions and came back to the world with a message from God to His beloved people.

Khosa said before his supernatural experience, he wanted to die because his life was miserable.

“It was after I’d lost everything I had, including my job, that I was told that my late father was angry at me and I had to perform an ancestral ceremony in order to make peace with him.

I spent a lot of money buying goats, chickens and other material, in pursuit of peace but nothing changed,” he said.

The zealous man further said that when he realised that his attempts were in vain, he decided to throw away everything he used to perform the rituals.

“I was told that if I threw all those things away I was going to die and at that moment I wanted just that.

After throwing them away I locked myself in the bedroom and knelt down and prayed to God, telling Him that I was aware that my time in this world was over and right there something strange happened to me.”

Khosa adds that he sensed his soul leaving his earthly body and was clothed in a new body, a heavenly body and that’s when his journey started.

In Paradise, he says,many people who are considered dead are rejoicing waiting for Judgement Day.

At first he thought he was in Heaven and was excited to be there but Jesus, who was with him throughout his journey told him that he was only in Paradise and that it was not yet time for him or anyone to see Heaven.

His trip took a bitter turn when he was taken to hell where he saw people in agony, including his father whom he says loved worshipping idols.

“The suffering in hell was not a pleasant thing to witness and God, seeing that I was bothered by the distress in Hades, He then told me to come back to the world and warn His people to repent and return unto Him because in a very short while, Jesus will return unto the world to take believers to a prepared Heaven,” he said.

Khosa condemned people who claimed to be Jesus or His disciples saying they were only deceiving the people.

“There is only one God and one Jesus and people should read the Bible with understanding to be able to recognise the right Jesus on the day that He will return.”

He added that God said he had warn people to stay away from ancestral and idol worship.

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