Working on Fire (WoF) ready for fire season

We are ready for this season, our thoughts are with the team in Cape Town and the family of the helicopter pilot. We want to urge the companies to make sure their safety is prioritised all the time to avoid fires

MKHONDO – The fire season is upon us, and Working on Fire (WoF) is ready to take it by storm.

Under their slogan, ‘Together we can fight unwanted fires,’ the team demonstrated their readiness to their stakeholders. The fire-wall fire and rescue and the newly trained teams gave demonstrations to an appreciative audience.

The day also saw the commemoration of the fire in Cape Town and the loss of a pilot’s life while fighting the fire.

“We are ready for this season, our thoughts are with the team in Cape Town and the family of the helicopter pilot. We want to urge the companies to make sure their safety is prioritised all the time to avoid fires. Our goal is not to fight fires but to avoid them at all costs,” said Mr Winston Smit, assistant managing director for WoF.

The new team was given yellow cards as proof of their readiness for the coming season. Representatives of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs (Dardlea), and Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), also graced the event.

“We welcome the demonstrations and we have confidence in the team that they will do what is expected of them.

“As a department, we are working with WoF, and this will definitely be another season of conquering unwanted fires and creating awareness within our communities,” said Mr Madoda Nkambula of Dardlea

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