Must do’s on a Monday morning

Monday morning meditation or prayer are great tools to envision success. It’s important to be quiet in the mind and let the positive energy in as soon as you wake up.

MBOMBELA- Have you ever wondered what highly successful people do on Monday mornings?

A learned fellow once said Monday morning routines set the mood for the rest of the day and the rest of the week. Here is a list of Monday morning habits that highly successful people develop.

  1. Wake Up Early – Set Your Alarm For 0:500 or earlier

Successful people wake up early to make sure that they have plenty of time to complete all of their tasks. Waking up early also ensures that one is not late for any of their scheduled events for the day and they have plenty of time to take care of their personal chores prior to jumping into their work load.

  1. Start the day with an early meditation

Monday morning meditation or prayer are great tools to envision success. It’s important to be quiet the mind and let the positive energy in as soon as you wake up. If you start with meditating for 5 minutes and over time increase it to half an hour per session. Such practices can also answer unanswered questions and lead the way to success. Concentrating on silence and your heart beat is one way to do a meditation. Another way is to do a guided meditation.

  1. Get Motivated – Personal Development Is Key

Highly successful people get motivated first thing on Monday morning. They read personal development books, be it theMotivational verses from the Bible, watching inspirational videos, listening to motivational speakers.

      4. Fuel Their Body – Food Is Energy

Dieticians and health wellness couches always say that breakfast is the important meal in a day. So it is imperative that your body is fueled with nutritious foods first thing in the morning. Healthy food provides energy and gets the mind and body ready for the day..

  1. Get Active

Highly Successful people know that getting the body active is imperative on Monday mornings and throughout the week. Exercise helps the body wake up and oxygenate; by doing so, all of the cells become active and ready for the day.

6.Connect With Your Team Face To Face

A lot of business decisions take place over email or other types of technology. Highly successful people connect with their teams face to face.

Steve Jobs the famous American entrepreneur, marketer, inventor, cofounder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc used to have Monday morning meetings and believed that “in this digital age, when we think we can do things by email and Skype and online chats, it’s really important to bump into people face to face, to hash things out, to look them in the eye, to yell at them and scream at them, and then to hug them and to know emotionally what they’re thinking.” (Information from and


  1. Only Tend To Urgent E-mails

Most email accounts are bursting with emails on Monday mornings. Highly successful people have a way to tend just to urgent emails in the morning.

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