Supplementary exams have kick-started

The supplementary examinations commenced yesterday, February 16 with learners writing Computer Applications Tech paper 1, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamal, Telegu, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek and Latin.

MBOMBELA – The supplementary examinations commenced yesterday, February 16 with learners writing Computer Applications Tech paper 1, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamal, Telegu, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek and Latin.

According to the reports received, the writing of the supplementary examinations started very well without any glitches and the department has put systems in place to ensure that they progress seamlessly until the learners write their final paper.

At the announcement of the 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Results, the Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Moshekga indicated that the 2014 cohort that qualified for supplementary examinations would receive special support during their examinations.

In the light of the pronouncement by the minister, the Mpumalanga Department of Education has put in place support mechanisms which include the following;

· The Dial a Tutor Program whereby learners can participate by dialling 087 805 1350 from Monday to Thursday at 18h00 until 20h00 and they are linked with a relevant curriculum specialist who is readily available to assist those experiencing challenges during their studies.

When the learners dial this number, it will hang up and phone back to ensure that they do not incur cost.

· The learners can also benefit from the radio lessons on Ligwalagwala FM every Tuesday to Thursday at 14H30 – 15H00, Ikwekwezi FM every Thursday at 15H00 – 15H30 and Community Radio Stations every Monday to Thursday 15H00 – 15H30.The lessons will last for the duration of the supplementary examination session and beyond.

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