Personal attacks are concerted efforts to destroy me

"I have many people coming to my house and talking to me daily. why are they at my house? People are in agreement with me" .

MBOMBELA – Premier David Mabuza has described the accusations against him that he was behind the disruption of a memorial lecture in Kanyamazane as a “concerted effort” by his detractors to derail him from the strategic leadership task at hand.

In what one can describe as a rare kind of Press Conference called by Mabuza, he didn’t read nor issue any statement to the media contingent gathered that he had called them because

“my spokesperson has been inundated with questions. I am here so that you can ask me anything of concern”.

Questions that came from the floor included: On the orchestration of violence at Kanyamazane hall, you have been accused of having influenced it and there’s a call for you to step down;

SACP’s Mr Bonakele Majuba said he met you at the recent NEC lekgotla and confronted you about the chaos in Kanyamazane and you responded that it was because they had invited Dr Mathews Phosa; Are you aware that the investigation of spy allegations against you has confirmed that you were an apartheid spy? Is this Press Conference of government or of the ANC?

In response, Mabuza said:

“I am here in both my capacities as chairperson of the ANC and the Premier of the province. I am at work, you are free to ask anything. It is not the first time we meet. we have met a number of times because there have been a string of allegations against me.

“I was not dropped from any where. I have worked as deputy chairperson of the ANC, MEC of culture, sport and recreation, education and agriculture. all these stories were not there until I was elected premier. The first time I started working as premier, the province was on fire, there was smoke everywhere. I spoke to people, investigated and I understood there was fire.

“I had emerged from conference of the ANC as chairperson. Delegates were divided, some not agreeing with my name, that’s the essence of democracy. I allowed it to die down. I accommodated everyone. I stood once again, there were voices that were still not happy.

“In any scenario, the majority rules and minority view will never prevail, we had to stick to principles of democracy and I felt I needed to deepen this democracy. First day in office, there was fire. there were corruption articles and they also included my ex-wife who had a life to live and I preferred that she must be let to live her life and have a child in that relationship who must be allowed to grow up.

“Five to six years down the line, it emerged that I am corrupt with no tangible evidence put forth. in the eyes of the people, this is a corrupt leader. In 2009/10, the same group of people said I was a killer, that I had killed Jimmy Mohlala and Sammy Mphatlanyane. If you have evidence that I killed people, there are legal processes to follow that can deal with that.

“As if that was not enough, late last year it emerged that DD was a spy who worked with apartheid forces. When did you know that DD was a spy? today as chairperson and as premier, I am a spy. This is a concerted effort of people with an uncontrollable desire, that all things said about me because of hate, but are hellbent on leading the ANC and become the premiers of the province.

“the ANC is no longer engaged in the liberation struggle, but in power. all that is associated with power. People are fighting for positions, that is what is uppermost in my mind.
“Throughout this history, this group of people that are a common denominator, are known, story after story. when I was called a spy, this time the person who called me a spy was known and now I am taking steps to clean my name. They are planning my downfall.

“I must say, it is not going to be easy or by mistake. I have a mission to fulfil. time has come for me to expose this. I’m almost there. when I expose this, you will know it.

“On my meeting with Majuba, people think there is a problem with the SACP. There is a problem in the SACP with Majuba. Each time he opens his mouth, he insults me. He called me corrupt, a killer and spy. you can go back and look at your records.

“What a coincidence it was that Phosa was to address the memorial service. so they are friends. I took an offence, but I was right. Structures of the four region of the ANC pronounced themselves including the SACP on the spy allegations.

“What Majuba said on television and their pronouncement are totally different. I asked them to compare it. they never came back to me. He is personal, he hates me passionately. I refused to be drawn to that as I have a responsibility. Hatred can destroy you like cancer.

“I sleep in peace as I set aside all the negatives and insults as I realised that I shouldn’t focus on them. There is nothing wrong between the SACP and the ANC. am working with the provincial chairperson of the SACP as an MEC, Mr Eric Kholwane. I, thus, am not prepared to delve much into it s it will develop into a mental disorder.

“Unfortunately, some journalists meet at night with these people. I have evidence to that effect. Don’t compromise your duties. some take bribes and write about something that they feel is not true. I’m going to expose the truths about the journalists and politicians. This can’t be genuine.

“What have I done to you? Why this concerted evil and bad hearts? Why? That is my story. I can’t be naïve and pretend I can’t see. to keep the province sane, I have to set aside certain things. Write about wrong things objectively. we are going to expose one of you to show that you are not ethical.

“Orchestration of violence? Oh no, not the SACP. it is an individual who says so. why am I still elected by the people if I am so evil or full of mud? Why do these people still like this person full of mud? Very soon some leaders will have a problem as they are dividing the people. Let us keep our distance and not be detracted. I stick to my words, unity is important.

“On the spy allegations. some of you saw the documents before me. I wrote to the minister of intelligence, officials of the ANC and the president that I am requesting a commission of enquiry and also to investigate Phosa, too. I have also opened a criminal case against Phosa.

“For now, this person used to be my brother, my father, he brought me up. What is happening is strange. The way I understand it, Phosa should have asked me when he got the document.
“On alienating people close to me in the past, the people who have been writing affidavits to taint my name, one of them is here. I know who was there. People I’ve worked throughout, it is always human nature to take the chair and don’t know when is the right time to take the chair.

“You must wait until the right time and it is up to the delegates that you are a capable cadre. At the beginning of my term, people were pushing instead of waiting. if I was wrong, I wouldn’t be sitting here. you can’t influence all of them.

“I have many people coming to my house and talking to me daily. why are they at my house? People are in agreement with me,” he ended.

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