Local police appeal to community for help

She said they took a resolution in their plennary meeting to encourage community members to be involved in Community Policing Forums.

MASOYI – With the ever escalating crime rate in this area and surroundings, local police have appealed for help.

Spokesperson of the local police, Const Nanikie Nonyane stated that car hijacking is one of the crimes on the increase and burglary getting out of control.

“Since last year, especailly towards the festive season, we witnessed the rise of cases of burglaries and car hijacking, with the areas of Numbi being the hardest hit.

With this in mind, we would to urge motorist to be cautious when they are driving on that road, especially at night,” she said.

Nonyane said that after realizing that crime is on the increase, they hosted a number of meetings to come out with new ideas or strategies and also to involve local communities.

She said they took a resolution in their plennary meeting to encourage community members to be involved in Community Policing Forums.

“We used to have some challenges here and there with our CPF structures when it came to our working systems but now we have managed to resolved these minor problems and I am confident to say that we have a good working relationship with them now,” concluded Nonyane

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