Make sure to get your copy of Mpumalanga News tomorrow!

Mpumalanga News brings you the best of everything. Beat the rush, and be the first to get your hands on your very own copy this Thursday!

This Thursday, Mpumalanga News brings to you an amazing edition you don’t want to miss! Get your own copy for only R1, 50 and read about current and topical news and community stories.


1. Premier seeks vindication from accusations by Dr Mathew Phosa;

Premier Mr David Mabuza came out guns blazing on Monday when he defended a scathing allegation against him that he was an apartheid spy from 1985 to 1993. Read more about this story in tomorrow’s print edition of Mpumalanga News.


2. Widows share their stories of abuse

600 local women were given a platform to share their experience with others regarding dealing with the death of a loved one. More so- when the said bereaved widow is accused by other women of having contributed to her spouse’s death. Read the full story in your copy of Mpumalanga News tomorrow.


3. Yvonne Chaka Chaka encourages teachers to persevere

Well-known musician, entrepreneur, humanitarian and down-to-earth Yvonne Chaka Chaka vowed to rally behind the country’s teachers for better salaries. Read more in tomorrow’s edition of Mpumalanga News.


4. Last seven days to audition for Miss Mpumalanga

The auditions for Crowning Miss Mpumalanga 2015 are exactly seven days away, with the first audions taking place on Thursday December 4 at the Gert Sibande District offices in Ermelo. For more dates and venues, make sure to get your copy of Mpumalanga News tomorrow.


5. Are women bewitched as a result of their underwear disappearing?

Women in the remote village of Bhuga believe that the disappearance of their underwear from their washing lines is asscociated with witchcraft. Read more in the print edition of Mpumalanga News edition tomorrow!





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