Pastor to launch her first book

A young local pastor, Carol Nkambule will officially launch her debut book titled, From the pit to the Palace on Saturday, November 22.The launch of this inspiring book will take place at Union Motors in Riverside.

MBOMBELA – A young local pastor, Carol Nkambule will officially launch her debut book titled, From the pit to the Palace on Saturday, November 22.The launch of this inspiring book will take place at Union Motors in Riverside.

Mpumalanga News had an opportunity to chat to the young writer just before the planned official launch. “This book is based on the biblical story of Joseph, and its main focus is looking at Joseph’s life and how he went through different challenges, triumphs and tribulations.

“It encourages and teaches the reader to persevere, even in stormy winds. You know, a lot of people, when facing difficult times turn to lose their visions and dreams, but we are told of how Joseph persevered even though it seemed like it would take time for him to achieve what he wanted to.

“At times when we see time go by without our dreams not being fulfilled we tend to change focus and give up thinking that it’s not going to happen anymore.

“Along the way we meet people who will let us down or discourage our vision, but with Joseph, we have learnt that nothing could break his spirit,” said Nkambule, letting us in on what the book is all about.

“What is also key, in this book is the fact that it teaches us that even a prisoner or slave like Joseph was, can still achieve his dreams.

“This book encourages you to go through different circumstances but come out a winner,” went on Nkambule.

She said what inspired her to write the book was the fact that she looked at life and the things that she personally experienced but she too, was encouraged and fascinated by the story of Joseph.

“I used to be frustrated when seeing time passing by without having achieved certain goals but I got to learn and know that where I am now is where I am supposed to be at and that my time is coming.

All I needed to do was to look and learn what I was supposed to at that particular moment. So when I read Joseph’s story, it encouraged me not to give up just because of challenges,” she said. This book is available at Exclusive Books,, and on

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