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Artist creates real inspiration from the simplest of material

This innovative young man says he finds fulfilment in putting this art together and it floats his boat just knowing he can encourage people by doing what he loves.

MATSULU – They say simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, and with that, Moses Mathe has taken art to another level with his handwork.

He uses what some might call useless to create the most beautiful oeuvre. Moses uses old egg cartons to pass inspirational messages to his audience.

“I usually don’t have time to go collect the boxes, so I ask children around my home to bring them to me in exchange for cash – 50 cents for five boxes.

I then knead them into dough, put them in a pan to shape them and put them in the sun to dry,” he says.

This innovative young man says he finds fulfilment in putting this art together and it floats his boat just knowing he can encourage people by doing what he loves.

“I write messages to people to let them know they are not alone in whatever they might be going through.

I am a believer and I plan to get the message of hope across to people.”

His passion started in 2006 in a school project, and he realised he had the skill to reach out to the world.

Although he tried venturing into something else to make ends meet, Moses says he realised his passion for art was too great to contain.

“I took a break in 2010 because I had to make a living, but it was not long since I found myself doing what I find joy in. I love art, it has become part of me.”

Like many other artists in the province, this young man encounters challenges that threaten to pull back his inevitable talent, but it is evident that he has no plans of giving in.
“I am working on no budget at all, it gets really difficult, one would give in should one lack passion.
“I wish I had a proper working environment with decent equipment, I know that would bring out the best in me.”
His artwork ranges from R200 to R500 and he calls on Lowvelders to support to his work.
“I plan on selling them on the streets and I know my fellow Lowvelders are going to show some love,” he concludes.

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