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Family now has a place to call home

"It was so difficult because we had to sleep, bath and do everything in one room. We never knew the joy of owning a house. Basically, we did not even have a home."

CHOCHOCHO – “What an early Christmas for us!” That’s what a destitute family of 12 said in joy on Saturday when keys to a fully-furnished house were officially handed over to them, courtesy of Ntsangalala Business Enterprise.

It was also responsible for the construction of the D2969 between Manzini and Swalala. According to the company’s CEO, Ms Stella Mashego, ploughing back into communities where they render services was their culture.

“Wherever we work, we always find means to assist someone in need and by doing that, we know we are leaving a meaningful legacy to communities,” explained Mashego.

She added the company communicated with the local councillor, Lucky Maseko, to help them identify a household in dire need and the Singane family was chosen.

The company then bought a stand for them since they have never owned any land.
The disabled mother of 10, Ms Hleziphe Singane, who shared a rented one-roomed house with all her children and her unemployed husband, could not contain her joy.

“This is going to change our lives completely and I’m at a loss for words.

“It was so difficult because we had to sleep, bath and do everything in one room. We never knew the joy of owning a house. Basically, we did not even have a home.

Now we will live freely and experience the privacy we’ve never known,” she exclaimed.
Singane added that she tried applying for an RDP house several times, with no luck but her waiting was not in vain.

“They say Christmas only comes once a year, but this year my family and I are going to have more than one Christmas,” she added in tears.

During the handover service, Past Negros Manana encouraged the family to keep on trusting God and to look to Him as a source of their help because such gift (the house) came from him.

“It is not over until God says so and we thank Him for using the company to bless you,” said Manana.

Mashego concluded by saying that she was grateful to the government for giving local companies jobs and the least they could do was help government by assisting other citizens.

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