Man discovered with intestines on the ground

A mystery surrounds the gruesome discovery of a man with his intestines lying on the ground after he was allegedly stabbed.

BARBERTON – A mystery surrounds the gruesome discovery of a man with his intestines lying on the ground after he was allegedly stabbed.

This horrific incident left residents at Ext 13 and 14 in shock since most of them said they have never come across such an incident. Worse still, this area is renowned as a quiet and has a low crime statistics.

According to a community member who was found by Mpumalanga News on the scene, who didn’t want to reveal his name for safety reasons, said he saw the man lying in a pool of blood. When he got closer, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“I was on my way to work, passing by the bushes near the main road, then I saw the man lying in the pool of blood with a big hole in the stomach and his intestines were lying on the ground, filled with dust. I thought it was not real, but when I took a closer look, then I managed to recognise him.

I ran to the main road where I raised the alarm. I still don’t believe what I saw on that day,” he explained.

When this reporter arrived on the scene, paramedics were assisting him and was admitted at Barberton General Hospital.

This paper went further and contacted the spokesperson of the local police station regarding this matter to check what the motive for the attack and any arrest that had been made, Const Tutu Nkosi said: “We heard about the horrific incident, but at this stage no one came forward to open a case and we didn’t receive any complaint since the victim was transferred to hospital .”

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