Over speeding driver arrested

The driver was found driving 221km/h at a 120 km/h zone.

MBOMBELA- Mpumalanga traffic officers have arrested a speeding motorist driving 221km/h at a 120 km/h zone on the N3 Road.
The driver, Mr GA Potgieter was driving an Audi A4 sedan coming from the direction of Villiers towards Heidelburg.
He was granted a R1 500 bail and will appear in Balfour Magistrate Court soon.

Community Safety, Security and Liaison MEC Vusi Shongwe says speedy finalization of cases and prosecution of speeding drivers will assist in reducing the number of crashes which are a result of speeding especially during the upcoming Festive Season.

The MEC has recently made a call for speedsters not to be granted bail as this could negatively affect law enforcement initiatives of government and the hard work that traffic officers put towards dealing with lawlessness.

He added that speed was among the factors that have led to many crashes that often lead to injuries and loss of lives therefore stiffer sentences must be put in place to deal with those who are refusing to stick to speed limits as applicable in various roads across the province.

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