MEC introduces traffic ticket monitoring vehicles

This will track down all traffic ticket offenders who have failed to pay their fines, no matter what.

MATAFFIN – Traffic ticket defaulters are in trouble as they are to be apprehended by the law enforcement agencies following the re-introduction of four traffic ticket monitoring vehicles by the MEC for Community Safety, Security and Liaison, Mr Vusi Shongwe last Friday along the N4 freeway.

Dubbed Nyamsoro, which is Tsonga for a sangoma who will, by hook or crook, track down all traffic ticket offenders who have failed to pay their fines, no matter what.

Addressing traffic law enforcers along the freeway, Shongwe said: “It’s been a problem for you, as traffic officers, to make sure that offenders are brought to book. You come across some that are paid and others not paid for. With this new system of collection and identifying culprits, it will assist in tracking them in their deepest hiding corners.

“We had this system before, but there were certain flaws about it concerning the service provider. Now we have it right, and we just need people to comply with the law and pay up, irrespective whether you’re from this province or others, we will apprehend you.

“We’ve made it easier for traffic law enforcers to do their duty and at the same time, this will also assist in the reduction of the road carnage on our roads. It is best to fully brief you as custodians of road laws. I have even suggested to our Head of Department and Chief Director, that the system should actually commence with us at the government Complex, and check out all the vehicles there if they comply or not.
“Surely, we need to lead by example, starting with us politicians, then the officials and then we can go to the ordinary road users,” he said to loud applause. However, asked when that would be, he chuckled and said, “we will inform you.”

On a parting note, after observing many motorists being pulled over after having been detected by the monitoring vehicles, Shongwe said: “Now it’s working. This is the beginning of more discipline that will be instilled upon road users to be responsible.
“A traffic fine is not merely a punishment, but a motivation upon the driver to act responsibly, all the time. We are giving road users a three months grace to put their houses in order or else, we will strike very hard. Some will end up behind bars if they do not comply,” he ended.

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