Graduates inspire locals

"To me it was not just a celebration ceremony, I have learnt a lot and my spirits have been uplifted. I gained more knowledge from Ndlovu and other delegates".

BARBERTON – Former learners of this town have returned and vowed to change the mindsets of people thinking of it as a town of achievers and not beer guzzlers.

This emerged over the weekend when the Emjindini Reunion Alumni (ERA) hosted its fourth annual academic-achievement awards ceremony.

Dr Derrick Ndlovu, the director of corporate services at the Umjindi Local Municipality, was honoured after graduating with a PhD in public administration from the University of Fort Hare.

In his speech, Ndlovu motivated young people and learners from various schools on the importance of always having a positive outlook on life.

“If you dream it, you can have it as long as you believe in yourself and work hard at school.
“Today’s event is not all about me, but all the residents of this town as we celebrate this achievement.
“It’s a way of proving to young people that it doesn’t matter where you come from, what is important is to know what you want in life. It’s very painful these days to see young people acting reluctantly when it comes to taking their studies seriously,” he said.

Ndlovu stated that it had not been an easy journey to reach where he was today.

“It was not an easy journey for me, but today I thank the Almighty God for everything he has done for me and the community at large.
“Indeed, hard work pays off. If I managed to do it, as young people of Umjindi, you can also do it. Your future is in your hands and you must start shaping it now,” concluded Ndlovu.

The ceremony was also graced by judge president Mr Dunston Mlambo, also a resident of Barberton.

A grade 10 learner of Emjindini Secondary School, Andile Mahommed said,
“To me it was not just a celebration ceremony, I have learnt a lot and my spirits have been uplifted.
I gained more knowledge from what Ndlovu and other delegates touched on. Now I will continue to work hard because I am really looking forward to becoming an accountant.”

Emjindini Secondary School’s principal,
Mr Amos Matsebula said, “I’m very happy to see that the organisation is yielding positive results by coordinating an event that is motivating others to fulfil their dreams in life.
“When we started the organisation, we said it was something that will be a good platform for students around our town to interact, play sports, but now it’s growing beyond that.”

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