
Tonga SAPS celebrates heritage month

Mbuzini, Komatipoort, Malalane, Kaapmuiden, Schoemansdal and Tonga stations, Mananga Port of Entry (PoE), Lebombo PoE, Jeppes Reef PoE, crime intelligence and the vehicle theft unit all celebrated the public holiday at the Driekoppies Dam.

TONGA – It was pomp and jubilation as the cluster celebrated Heritage Day.

Mbuzini, Komatipoort, Malalane, Kaapmuiden, Schoemansdal and Tonga stations, Mananga Port of Entry (PoE), Lebombo PoE, Jeppes Reef PoE, crime intelligence and the vehicle theft unit all celebrated the public holiday at the Driekoppies Dam.

All members were on point when coming to showcase their different traditional attire and dances. Dishes like mathumbu (tripe), kudla kwe mbhila (self-made mielie-meal pap), samp, tinkhobe (samp mixed with beans and peanuts), mancina, sorghum beer, masonja, timbabi and mageu were the order of the day.

Members were awarded with their loyal service medals, for 30, 20 and 10 years of loyal service in the SAPS. The members who received these awards displayed an irreproachable character and exemplary conduct in the SAPS.

The guest speaker was Ms Gladys Pule who motivated the members about social life as to know their standing point.

The acting cluster commander, Brig Velisiwe Mdaka and her team were moving around the tables of different stations, tasting the food and allocating marks to the best traditional cooking of the day. Schoemansdal proved to be the best in both.

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