The news that made headlines in September

As the month of September draws to a close, we take a look at the news which made the headlines. Here are the top five most read stories this month.

As the month of September draws to a close, we take a look at the news which made the headlines. Here are the top five most read stories this month.

1. Ten things not to do in the Kruger Park

A trip to the Kruger National Park can be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life, but can also quickly turn to tragedy. Here are a few things you should rather avoid doing during your visit to the park.

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2. One killed during bus and truck accident

A person was killed when a truck had an accident with a bus at Karino Crossing on September 10.

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3. Collision claims five lives

Community Safety, Security and Liaison MEC Vusi Shongwe has called on motorists to exercise great care when driving. This comes amid a head collision that claimed five lives on the N4 Toll Road on Wednesday, September 10.

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4. Baby syndicate at Robs

It’s true that history has a way of repeating itself. Reliable sources at Rob Ferreira Hospital have disclosed to Mpumalanga News that babies have previously been stolen from old maternity wards in 2010 and 2011.

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5. Video: horrific footage of man abusing a goat

A horrific, highly upsetting video of animal abuse has surfaced. Although the origin of the video is unclear, it is suspected that it was filmed somewhere in the Lowveld since the perpetrator speaks siSwati.

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