Albinos still fear for their lives

People living with albinism do not enjoy the fruits of freedom, moreso as everyone celebrates 20 years of democracy. They still live in fear of discrimination about their condition and rampant attacks against them in society.

BARBERTON – People living with albinism do not enjoy the fruits of freedom, moreso as everyone celebrates 20 years of democracy. They still live in fear of discrimination about their condition and rampant attacks against them in society.

This was revealed during the official launch of the Albinism Forum by the Nguni cluster of the Mother’s Union in the Anglican Church of South Africa at St Mathias Anglican Church last weekend.

Delivering her keynote address, the founder and national director of the Albinism Society of South Africa, Ms Nomasonto Mazibuko said, “Why are they killing us? We are all made in the image of God. We also deserve to be treated with love and respect. “Our rights must be respected.

Our voices must be heard and our dignity must be restored. God did not make a mistake by creating albinos. We are very special and unique. Some people might ask why we are not toyi-toying so that our voices are heard, but it’s because we reason and God is on our side.

“He will fight our battles. It’s about time for people with albinism to take a step and be taken seriously as citizens of the country,” she said. Mazibuko touched on the cruelty displayed by mankind. “People no longer have morals.

Albinos are killed like flies because they want certain parts like fingers and eyes, as they believe that these will make them rich or help their businesses grow. “This belief has had a bad impact, to such an extent that some mothers who gave birth to albinos abandon their babies after a few weeks or right after giving birth in hospital.

It has been inculcated in their minds by society, that they are a curse to society. One such baby ended up being adopted by a couple from Scotland,” she added. “Wild and false rumours have been spread that once they kill an albino and obtain the required body parts, they head for neighbouring countries where traditional healers mix them with certain potions to make them rich. That is a myth.

There is no such thing. People should stop these senseless acts and leave albinos in peace,” said Mazibuko. She also expressed concern with the influx of foreign nationals whom she said were aware of the scam against albinos from their own countries, hence the increase in the number of attacks.

“People should not shy away from those living with albinism. They should make known the challenges that we experience. Let us speak out since we are living in a free country where everybody is entitled to their rights.” Cultural expert, Dr Mafika Lubisi also said, “People who live with albinism have been in existence for a long time.

They were not facing the challenges they come across today. These days people are very greedy, they will do whatever it takes to enrich themselves, like killing albinos for their body parts. “They are just taking chances, that thing doesn’t exist.

I don’t know who misled them or they believe that because albinos’ skins are very white, they will give them luck. Kodvwa nanamuhla bantfu babona kutsi bababulale ngesihluku kute batinjingise (But these days people are heartless, they kill them brutally so that they can enrich themselves),” he concluded.

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