Learners reap fruits of their hard work

More than 50 learners received awards for their academic and sporting achievements.

KANYAMAZANE – Learners of Sitintile Secondary School were rewarded for their hard work during their annual prize giving last Saturday at the local community hall.

More than 50 learners received awards for their academic and sporting achievements. One such learner was Bongiwe Nkosi, a grade 11 pupil who was ranked in the top 10 in the school for her academic excellence.

“My secret was that I managed my time well and made sure I got enough sleep. I did not spend my afternoons roaming the streets. Instead I focused on my books and formed a study group with my friends.” Ms Sylvia Singwane (Nkosi’s mother), encouraged other learners to work hard and she also thanked God for giving her such a brilliant child.

The principal, Mr Harold Gondwe, thanked the students for their hard work and urged the parents to continue to support the learners. To the teachers, Gondwe said, “Let us motivate and support our learners. I thank you for your hard work this year and hope that we can keep up the good work and obtain a 100% pass rate at the end of the year.”

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