
Media plays a vital role in communities

The role of media in promoting good causes is indispensable. However, in some cases, media may fail to play that role, especially when there is lack of interest and participation from communities.

MBOMBELA – The role of media in promoting good causes is indispensable. However, in some cases, media may fail to play that role, especially when there is lack of interest and participation from communities.

This was highlighted by Mpumalanga News’ senior journalist, Ms Nomvula Chawane, when she was talking about the role of community media during the Elite Women’s Club at the Nutting House on Saturday.

“Media is becoming a necessity as food and clothes and we are not the enemy. Our job is not necessarily to expose individuals but to give the voiceless a voice by telling their plight and spread the good news that will facilitate change and development. We are available to serve our communities,” she stated.

Chawane added that community service was at the heart of community media and that all community media should have community at heart and the intention to serve and build that community.

“Throughout women’s month I would hear women complain that whenever they ask for empowerment from those who are successful,they are always given a cold shoulder. You successful women do not necessarily need to help every person who comes to you for advice individually.

We can tell your success stories and in that way you’ve made positive contribution to your own community.”

During the event, TV personality, Ms Gerry Eldson had painted a negative picture of the media saying they speculated about her husband having an affair with a young girl.

“It did not bother me because I know that they (newspapers) buy ink in gallons and it must be used to sell papers,” she said.

Responding to that Chawane said, “Yes, we do buy ink in gallons but unlike tabloids, we use it to educate, inform, develop and entertain communities.”

She concluded by urging communities to engage with their local media houses and use them to bring change and development in society.

“It’s good to read national newspapers and the big commercial radio stations but it is your local media houses that will tell you what is happening in your own communities and they are the ones you can easily access to circulate information locally,” she concluded.

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