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Beware of fire outbreaks

August is an extremely windy month that could cause unwanted run away veld fires thus the public is warned to be extra careful.

Working on Fire (WoF) in conjuction with the Department of Environmental Affairs urges members of the community to extinguish any possible fires to help in the fight against unwanted veld and forest fires this month.

WoF’s general manager Martin Bolton said the month August is an extremely windy month that could cause unwanted run away veld fires which might increase the number of unwanted veld fires which had been recorded since the province approached the Fire Season on the 1st of June .

“People living on farms and fire prone areas must take extra care when making open fires and braai on windy days. Never ignore unwanted veld fire even if it seems far away, it can quickly become large and engulf you”, said Bolton.

The most dangerous situation to be in is when an unwanted veld fire is moving up to a steep slope and you are above it with bush and grass between you and the fire.

“If you feel threatened and you don’t think you can escape from the fire, find a safe zone”, he said.

A safe zone can be an area that has already been burnt or is completely clear of any fuel that can burn.

Bolton added that those who live in thatched roof houses close to open field must clean up areas around their property and warn kids about the dangers of playing with fires.

He also plead with motorists to reduce speed, switch on hazard lights, and close the car windows when smoke engulfs at any freeway.

“Veld fires spread rapidly, especial in the current windy condition. Therefore all fires have to be reported. Delays might lead to serious damage and even loss of life,”he added.

The foolowing figures shows the stats as released by Working on Fire dispatch department:

Total fires suppressed: 215
Estimated Hectares burnt: 7191
Vegetation: 3485.0
Plantation: 3706.4

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