Cashbuild Art-at-heart gives back to the community

A vegetable garden upgrade, a soup kitchen and more classrooms are just a few of the things on the wish list of schools in the Lydenburg area.

A vegetable garden upgrade, a soup kitchen and more classrooms are just a few of the things on the wish list of schools in the Lydenburg area.

Marambane, Lesodi and Lydenburg Primary Schools are three of eight chosen schools which each received Cashbuild building material vouchers to the value of R12 000 on 8th August 2014 at the official Cashbuild Lydenburg store opening ceremony.

Coromandel Primary School’s Principal L.J. Najwa says they are very grateful and excited about the donations as there are many things which still need to be done.

“At the moment the principal does not have an office, so a portion of the voucher will be used to create a small space for him. We would also like to redo our window panes and paint the school,” he said.

On the other hand, the Principal of Marambane Primary School, S.D. Madonsela says they are over the moon. “We are going to carry out some minor renovations in the classrooms, have window repairs done and improve our lighting.

We also have a vegetable garden and would like to erect fencing around it,” he said.

At the official Cashbuild Lydenburg store opening ceremony on August 8, when the building material vouchers totaling R96 000 were presented to all eight schools, the children entertained everyone with singing, cultural dances and theatrical performances.

“The Cashbuild Art-at-Heart competition entails learners from each school submitting their best artwork to Cashbuild. This artwork is displayed at the ceremony, and then remains on display in the Cashbuild store for the next five years,” said Cashbuild’s Shorn Khumalo.

Artwork was judged and three winners from each school were named. Winners received Cashbuild Art-at-Heart gold, silver and bronze certificates for first, second and third place respectively. The Manager’s Choice award was also presented to the overall winner, Priscilla Mametje from Marifaan Primary School.

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