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News reporters come to the aid of needy family

Last week field reporters took time out from their busy schedules to pay a visit to six members of a child-headed family and donated groceries and clothes.

DAANTJIE – Our very own award-winning community newspaper not only focuses on keeping its readers well informed, but is also committed to make a positive change by touching the lives of the needy.

Last week field reporters took time out from their busy schedules to pay a visit to six members of a child-headed family and donated groceries and clothes.

“God has answered my prayers. In the morning I called on Him before I went to school as we didn’t have anything to eat and when my six-year-old brother told me that he was starving, I was very hurt. I just gave him starch and sugar water to drink.

“My prayers have been answered as I find you here, with my siblings. We now have plenty food and clothes. It’s true that what is impossible to man, is possible with God,” said Zandile Sambo (17).

She added, “When our parents passed away in 2008, life became very tough. We always struggled to get food and were sometimes forced to sleep on empty stomachs.

“I never thought that I will see you guys in our yard. We normally see your bylines in the newspaper, but today you are here.May God bless you all”, added Zandile, who couldn’t hold her composure and broke into tears.

The editor of Mpumalanga News, Mr Bongani Hlatshwayo, encouraged the children to focus on their studies, “I’m very happy to see you guys are taking education very seriously. You didn’t make excuses about your background.

“You must bear in mind that it doesn’t matter where you come from, what is important, is to know where you are going and never allow your family background to limit you from reaching your goals in life.

“We will come back to check on how you are doing. We don’t have much, but the little that we have, we want to share with you,” he said.

Hlatshwayo indicated that the publication had committed itself to supporting the Sambo children and would also welcome other good Samaritans who can assist in changing the lives of these children as they live in a one-bedroom house.

“Other people have also come to assist, but I think we need to make them comfortable and at least ensure a constant supply of food for the children.

“This donation is from individuals’ pockets but we don’t believe that a once-off donation would suffice. God willing, He will give us strength to do even more for them,” Hlatshwayo concluded.

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One Comment

  1. That’s a great Job Team of Mpumalanga news keep on doing the right thing God will bless you…Kutsiwa sandla lesiphako sibusisekile…kwatsi kungandza lanikhiphe khona.

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