Party treats elders on their special day

God loves those who take care of elders. Madiba also loved elders and hence SACP celebrates with elders.

MSHOLOZI – Members of the South African Communist Party (SACP) in Msholozi spoiled two elders on their birthday which they shared with the late international icon Nelson Mandela.

Mkhulu Titus Mkhabela turned 102 and Gogo Balekile Nkosi, 78. Both hail from Phumlani section, and celebrated their birthdays in style as members of the party treated them to a birthday cake, sporting the face of Dr Nelson Mandela.

The day brought a smile to Mkhabela, whose RDP house and premises were thoroughly cleaned by the members. They also sent their comforting words to the family of Gogo Nkosi who was grieving the loss of her elder daughter.

“God loves those who take care of elders. Madiba also loved elders and hence we celebrate with them today. Our members will also ensure that the broken windows at Mkhulu Mkhabela’s house are fixed within the next three weeks,” said Mr Bobbitt Nkosi, the district secretary.

“As the Bible states, you should love your neighbour as you do yourself, and this is what the party promotes. Our party shares the same birthday with Madiba and we are glad for branches who still value revolution,” he continued. He also gave a memorial lecture of the party, the struggle and the party’s aims and objectives.

The event was also attended by the local councillor, Mr Kenneth Mkhonto who said he was a proud product of the party that was advancing communism. The local ANC chairperson also attend the event and called on the community to make each day a Mandela Day by taking care of elders and the needy.

The branch secretary, Mr Beacony Maloka said party members would raise funds among themselves to ensure that they fix Mkhabela’s broken windows as soon as they could. He also revealed the party was engaging with the Department of Education and the premier on the constructing of the much-needed school in the area. “We will also engage with the taxi associations operating here on how to better manage and improve their services,” said Maloka.

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