Senior officials arrested for fraud

Senior officials arrested in connection of licensing fraud.

LIMPOPO- In a fight against crime, the Limpopo Department of Transport, Safety Security and Liaison Intervention Unit has arrested a senior traffic officer and a testing officer for driver’s licensing fraud at Mookgopong Municipality.

“The officers have appeared at Mookgopong magistrate court on charges of fraud and corruption and were released on R2 000 bail each. Their case is postponed to September 15, for further investigation,”states a media release from the Communications Directorate of the Department of Transport, Safety Security and Liaison.

The matter is investigated by a joint operation comprising of the intervention unit in the department and the anti-corruption division of the Hawks.

MEC Mapula Mokaba- Phukwana condemns the corruption of traffic officers and vowed to root out corrupt officials. The MEC further express gratitude towards the intervention unit for the job well done for bringing the corrupt officers to book.

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