New stand to boost tourism industry

The Ehlanzeni District Municipality is making a fair contribution in promoting tourism in this part of the province.

MBOMBELA – The Ehlanzeni District Municipality is making a fair contribution in promoting tourism in this part of the province.

The district has bought its own stand that showcases the widest variety of Southern Africa’s best tourism products and attracts international buyers and media from across the world.

“We have always rented stands during Indabas and exhibitions and that was costly, but now we have our own and whenever we need to display, we just take it there and it saves us a lot of money,” says

Mr Steven von Bardeleben, assistant manager of tourism and the Expanded Public Works Programme.

He adds that Ehlanzeni first used the new stand at the 2014 Tourism Indaba incorporating local municipalities and local tourism companies in Durban where they used it as a platform to showcase tourism products and attractions in Ehlanzeni.

The senior tourism officer, Mr Nathi Masango adds that the tourism community at Ehlanzeni are excited about the upcoming Indaba that will be held in Swaziland in September where they will be using the stand using promotional material of a number of tourism attractions in the province.

The tourism indaba is designed to inform travellers about what is on offer in the Ehlanzeni district municipal area, about where to stay, where to shop, dining, things to do and see, conferences and procedures pertaining to border- crossing requirements and conditions.

“Through this stand, we aim to promote and boost the image of our district and market it as a preferred tourist destination, manifesting out pride for the district,” concludes Masango.

For more information on tourism attractions and places to visit, contact 013-759-8582 or visit the district’s website at

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