
Brave little girl survives cancer

Stephen King once said “you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough, you will.”

KANYAMAZANE – Stephen King once said “you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough, you will.”

Okuhle, a little girl from Kanyamazane, has literally lived up to the above saying and she went through to survive the cancer called neuroblastom when she was only nine months old in 2012.

She took up chemotherapy and has been in remission for the past year.
She has however been living with a tumour growing in her brain for the past year, and has been scheduled for surgery this coming Saturday 12 July 2014 in Mediclinic Pretoria.

“As friends and colleagues we wish to urge business owners, churches, organisations, and the public at large to help out with financial donations towards the little girl’s family as all the treatments are done in Pretoria,” pleads one of the Mother’s colleagues, Eugene Kasilembo, who is also part of Friends of Okuhle.

“There are all types of expenses that are incurred by the family, from labs to transport, lodging toll fees, and food,” he added.

For those who would like to contribute to the Friends of Okuhle Fund, the banking details are: TP Moya, FNB, 62196175634, BRANCH CODE 250655

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One Comment

  1. The Good Lord of Grace and Mercy has gone ahead of you Okuhle. You are a testimony and the God that your mommy and daddy serve would not have brought you this far to just leave you. He is forever faithful.

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