
Local mechanical and engineering workers demands 15% wage increase

Workers of Steval’s Mechanical and Engineering company engaged in a violent strike on Monday as part of the national on-going NUMSA’s strike in demand of a 15 percent wage increase.

ROCKY’S DRIFT- Workers of Steval’s Mechanical and Engineering company engaged in a violent strike on Monday as part of the national on-going NUMSA’s strike in demand of a 15 percent wage increase.
Nationally Numsa has demanded a 15% wage increase and a R1 000 housing allowance in a one-year bargaining agreement. It further wants an end to the use of labour brokers, these are the same demands made by their members at the company.
The workers downed tools two weeks ago and started protesting near company’s entrance last Friday where four employees were injured in the process.
According to reliable sources all workers were compelled to take part in the action however all hail broke lose when other employees mostly Whites failed to cooperate with the masses and thus they were beaten. A security officer was also beaten and keys grabbed from him.
“The strike shall continue until our demands are met,” they said.
On Monday, premises of the company were under heavily guard of police from White River, as the marchers continue to sing protesting songs like “Thina senza nje, uma sifuna imali” (this is what we do when we want money).
The striking employees allege that they earn peanuts and they want their demands to be met as soon as possible. “We carry heavy steels no man can agree to work with heavy materials and earn R1 800.
They added that they were sad that some employees were not partaking in the strike while outcome of the strike will benefit everyone.
“We want them to come and join us, the strike shall proceed until they come out, the end of it shall be when our demands are met and have the fired colleagues placed back in their position, we got an increase last year but it was withdrawn.” they said.


The company’s CEO Mr Paul Deppe from the Witbank branch voiced his fear of the company being burnt down by the workers. “I am afraid that that they will destroy the company” he said.
Factory manager had this to say “I cannot make any statements, it is the people’s rights to strike but they must do it in the right way”.

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